Wednesday, August 20, 2014

If you do not want the earth to be toast, do not put it in the hands of a Basel Committee against Global Warming Supervision.

I just know that if what we are to do against the risk of global warming, is captured by a similar group of self-appointed experts, members of a small exclusive mutual admiration club, not accountable to anyone, like those in the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision and in the Financial Stability Board, and who made such a mess of the way how banks allocate bank credit to the real economy… well, then, pardon the pun, the earth is toast!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Without green preachers, green besserwissers and green-fight profiteers, we stand a better chance of doing things right for our planet.

Any way you fight climate change I can fight better
I can fight climate change better than you
No, you can’t
Yes, I can,
No, you can’t
Yes, I can,
No, you can’t
Yes I can, Yes I can, Yes I can!!!!!